"The Service That Conquers All Others."
(850) 466-6396
- We do it right. The first time.
- We do it for a fair price. Every time.
- We meet deadlines, or your money back.
Solomon Reed Painting consistently delivers on the promise of quality work for a fair and affordable price. A quick look at the pictures and the rates would cause any reasonable person to reach out for a quote. With a large bedroom starting at $218*, anyone can bring a new high quality finish into their home. Quotes can be made by square footage, room, or home depending on the scale of the project and the deadline.
A service provided to Pensacola by Kain Humphries.
*Quote calculated using an 11' x 12' floor, 9' ceilings (414sqft of wall), $118 in Supplies, $100 for labor
**LLC pending, this is a test site.